Nick is awakened in the middle of the night with a song - not a worship song - or maybe it is. Can the Holy Spirit get our attention with a silly song? What if we are "editing out" the ways the Holy Spirit is using to open us up to his voice? There are all kinds of examples in the Bible of God's unusual methods of getting us to listen: burning bushes, a talking donkey, dreams, rainbows, gentle whispers, stars... The Holy Spirit can still use any of these ways and a thousand others to speak to us. All we have to do is assume he wants to speak, is, speaking to us. The Christian gospel - good news - is that in Christ we see how God is for us, toward us. The cross is the God of the universe down on one knee proposing marriage to each one of us. He says, "I've removed every obstacle. Will you have me?" It is an unprovoked proposal. We must continue in Christ assuming this is true, responding in choice and faith. The door doesn't shut unless we choose to shut it or believe it is closed.
how is the Holy Spirit allowed to connect with you?
is hearing from the Holy Spirit something that only special people experience?
how can you be more responsive to the Holy Spirit?
how can I get the Holy Spirit to talk to me?
Tore down the dividing wall Ephesians 2
Our friend never sleeps or slumbers Psalm 121:4
It is for freedom we've been set free Galatians 5:1
Eric Metaxas sermon