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Episode 6 - Waiting Room

Ron Jones

Nick talks about having kidney stones and his father waiting to pick him up. We can get in the habit of assuming we must take care of ourselves. Nick told the Emergency Room check out nurse that he had someone to drive him home when in reality, he thought he was alone. One of our problems relating to the Holy Spirit is that he is a person unlike any other person in the world. Nobody would wait patiently for us for the amount of time the Spirit would and we have a hard time believing it. The Spirit has the time for us and, in coming to know him, we grow in the ability to share in his characteristic patience with ourselves and others.


- do I act like I need to take care of myself?

- do I believe God is patient with me or is he frustrated with me?

- am I patient with myself? with others?

- would a relationship with the Holy Spirit make me a more patient person? how?


the fruit of the Spirit - Galatians 5


Community episode - a patience experiment.

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