Martha and Mary hear
The two sisters react differently to the arrival of Jesus. Martha is a doer and reacts like a doer - she’s going to move and meet Jesus head on in a confrontation. Mary is a feeler and stays where she is. Everyone reacts to Jesus differently and we aren’t in a position to tell them how they should react or when they should go to him. We have to let people come to him on their own terms or they don’t really come to him at all. This is true no matter how much we want them to come to Jesus or how much we think Jesus may be offended by their lack of attention. Jesus knows Mary better than Martha does and Martha better than Mary does. The cool thing is that as different as they are, they both come to the same conclusion: Jesus was the savior, the one whose presence would have changed everything, and kept their brother alive. Now they will both find out they didn’t know him well enough.