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Episode 7 A Bidet and the American Dream

Ron Jones

Many people God interacted with in the Bible became very wealthy. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were all rich men, so were Job, Joseph, David and Solomon. Economic prosperity didn't help their home lives, though. In fact in many cases, the wealthier they became, the more troubles they encountered. There is no doubt that more riches come with more complexity, often at the cost of inner peace and joy, yet most of us, either consciously or subconsciously, hold onto the idea that poverty is bad and prosperity is good. Take a poor person, give them money and they will be better off - they will be more complete, more whole, more holy. But Jesus makes the outrageous claim that knowing him is the only true prosperity when he says, "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." No addendums, no exceptions, no clauses. Jesus is full life. Paul says everything he's gained is nothing compared to knowing Jesus. So what is prosperity? It isn't taking a vow of poverty or treating wealth as if it is a curse. It is inviting the Holy Spirit into the very center of all we are and all we have, holding onto him, enjoying him, knowing him and letting everything else take its place relative to him.


Jesus came to give us full life. John 10:10

Paul writes about giving up everything to know Jesus. Philippians 3:7-8

The fruit of the Spirit without limit. Galatians 5:22


- how would you define prosperity? who do you know who is prosperous/wealthy?

- do you believe you would be better off with more wealth? how?

- do you believe friendship with the Holy Spirit can fulfill a person no matter their circumstances?


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