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Magic Eye: Seeing Answers to Prayer

Ron Jones

Walking through a mall in the 90's, Ron came upon a kiosk of colorful pictures full of squiggly lines and odd patterns. These were "Magic Eye" pictures which contain a computer generated 3-D image. As people around him pointed at the various framed works and excitedly exclaimed, "It's an eagle! or "I see it! It's the space shuttle!" Ron thought he was being punked. He tried all the techniques the owner of the kiosk suggested for seeing the images, but nothing worked until he got tired of trying and relaxed. Then the image emerged. If you rest and let your eyes do what they do naturally, you will see what's hiding in plain sight. Often we are looking right at the answers to our prayers and we don't see them. The greatest answer to the greatest prayer ever prayed was missed by the people who prayed it. Messiah. The people with the most information missed it. They missed him. The people who were willing to relax and lean in, received the answer. If you're having a difficult time seeing answers to your prayers, why not try a different way to look. Relax. Rest. Assume God is toward you and open your heart and mind to other possibilities. And remind yourself that God is able to use even the crucifixion of Jesus as a way to answer our prayers and connect us to full life.


- can you admit it is very likely you are missing the answers to prayer God is giving?

- could cancer or depression ever be an answer to your prayers?

- have you sensed the Holy Spirit inviting you to pray over a person?

- is it possible our "prayer lists" are a hindrance rather than a help?


he came to his own and his own received him not - John 1:10-12

not willing to lift a finger to remove a burden off these people - Matthew 23:4


Jeff Laughlin - "Cancer saved my life."

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