Called a meeting
There is a certain type of person to whom “calling a meeting” is their first reaction to any development. They are all over the place. They will have meetings about meetings. What drives this? Basically the need to get agreement and validation from a group. No one wants to act alone. Think for yourself. The Pharisees and “the Jews” might be the greatest example of group think in history. It’s no surprise they react to this news of Jesus’s crowning miracle by getting together in a meeting. It’s safer for the preservation of the status quo. Let’s not take the time to consider this as individuals. Let’s think of this as a group. The trouble isn’t sharing information and ideas, the trouble is giving up one’s heart and mind to “the group.” God’s scheme isn’t to save a group, but to gather sons and daughters who come on their own into his family. Group think won’t bring anyone to know who Jesus is - it’s going to take single acts of faith where one individual at a time commits their heart to him.
What are we doing? vs what is this man doing?
The same word is actually used for them and Jesus. What are we doing? This “man” (more on that later) is doing ______. It isn’t a good idea to compare what you are doing to what Jesus is doing unless you’re willing to face up to the facts. You are not able to do what Jesus does. You are not doing what Jesus is doing. You’ll lose this comparison every time. Obviously the Sanhedrin do not want this comparison and are not asking the question in that way. They’re saying this man is out there doing miraculous signs and we are not doing anything about it. Jesus is accomplishing things and we are not. The implication is that we better get busy doing something. But what? What to do about what Jesus does always comes down to this: who is Jesus? If he’s a good teacher we should respond one way. If he’s a hoaxter we should respond another way. If he’s a hell-empowered sorcerer still another response is required. But, if he is God, we’ve got even another response. Who is he? These men think Jesus is a man. They start from there. To be fair where else can you start? If someone shows up in your neighborhood claiming to be God it would be wise to begin with the presumption they’re not. They’re just human. Watch and listen and maybe you’ll get some indication of the truth. (signs). A man might be a good teacher. But these men eliminate that possibility because Jesus didn’t go their seminary. He has no pedigree. He’s not a Harvard man, he’s not even a high school man. Jesus might be a good man. These men eliminate that possibility because Jesus doesn’t keep the rules that good men keep. He works on Sundays, he says blasphemous things, he hangs out with hookers and enemies of the state. Jesus has power but he’s a bad man with unauthorized teaching. He must be sent from hell or a hoaxter. This is how the Sanhedrin read the signs. They are probably more thoughtful and honest than many people sitting in churches all over the world who read the signs and somehow believe Jesus is only a good man or a good teacher. The signs don’t point that way. They point up or down. God or no? If you say no, what the Sanhedrin do next isn’t a crime, it’s good religion and better politics and you should hold your tongue about criticizing them. They decided to do something. They decided to kill a devil or a bad man bent on dragging their nation into political and religious rebellion. If they are right. If the man is a man. But the man Jesus did not say “come to my teaching” and there is no way to God except through my doctrine. He said there was no way to God without coming to and through him. He claims all the signs point to him personally. They prove his identity. They are not to wow the audience into admiration of the distant Father but to invite them to accept the Son. We can call a meeting and talk through this with as many people as we want, but there is no avoiding personal response to Jesus. You can disbelieve the miracles and believe Jesus but you can’t do the opposite. He never wanted people to dwell on the miracles any way. Come to me, he said. And he meant it. You can miss all the signs and still find him. He will gladly go back later and show you all the signs you missed. Just don’t miss him.