The Jewish Passover.
Does it drive you nuts when some people see providence in every little detail? Timing? Events? Order. Is symbolism everywhere or no where? But this is too much. The Passover is the Jewish holiday. This is too on the nose to miss. And it is so hard to see. Imagine someone showing up for Christmas with a whole new idea of what it means. Someone who says Christmas is really about them. That’s what hits the Jews. Jesus is the Passover. The ceremony of the lamb is replaced by the person it predicted. The cleansing and the preparations for the celebration - here again the religion fails them. They are so busy with their little traditions and parties about God that they don’t have room for God at the table. He isn’t invited. He would probably have made any Jewish family uncomfortable and ruined the fun. He ends up hanging on a cross at the most inconvenient time so the religious leaders want to hurry his death along to keep it from ruining their ceremonial cleanliness. How bizarre is this? The dead body of Jesus is the things that cleanses the world of sin and makes everyone clean again before God. Don’t bother me with news about the baby Jesus being born…I'm too busy cutting down a Christmas tree.
And who do they go to so they can receive ceremonial cleansing? The religious leaders who are planning an illegal murder. Can a dirty priest stand between me and God and declare me clean?