I never noticed this before. There are two stories going on here: the Lazarus story and the Disciple story. The teaching about light and darkness comes up because of their fears relates to travel. Jesus is getting ready to go and raise a man from the dead, but his disciples are afraid of getting stoned. He stops and teaches them a lesson. He has time for them. Raising Lazarus from the dead is not more important than telling these guys how to walk in the light.
Death is no more than sleep to Jesus. It’s no more strenuous for him to raise Lazarus from the dead than it would be for a mom to rouse a child from a nap. He shows us this here and in the case of Jairus’s daughter (Mark 5) when he says “talitha koum” little girl wake up.
Breathing the air in both places is a function of the Spirit.
Hints they missed:
Notice how they never asked how Jesus could possibly know this bit of information?
Why does it take the messiah to wake up a sleeping man?