Jesus arrived...Jesus found
Whenever Jesus arrives he is on time. He finds (this is a study all by itself) Lazarus 4 days dead but this is on time. Death and divorce and disease don’t set heaven’s clock. I love the words themselves: Jesus arrives. They called for him and waited but we call for him and he’s already here. We have a once arrival and a never departure. Who is in better shape the disciples who walked the earth with Jesus or us who walk the earth with his Spirit? Jesus arrived. It is full of possibilities. Now that Jesus is here what might happen? Even the people who knew him the best did not comprehend how this arrival might change things. They had no context. They were on the wrong side of their own Red Sea. No one ever arrived with the way through this difficulty before Jesus arrived. The only way forward from here would be another day and Lazarus would be five days dead. That’s what they would find. That’s what Jesus would find next.
Can I believe that when I arrive with the Spirit of Christ there is a way through anything we find?