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Episode 0 - Ron and Nick's Best Friend

Ron Jones

Updated: Dec 20, 2021

Where did Ron and Nick's Best Friend podcast begin? It really began about thirty years ago when we met at a local church here in Hampton Roads. We've been having conversations like the ones you'll hear in our podcast almost from the day we met. In this episode we say these conversations are talking "in the Spirit." What does that mean? As far as we can tell, it's a combination of the way each of us is wired and the way the Spirit moves us and speaks to us. We don't mean it to sound too mystical, and to us it has always seemed natural - and that's one of the things we want to share about our relationship with the Holy Spirit. Could it be that we mistake the voice of the Spirit for other things because it is so natural to hear him? What if we are constantly "editing out" the voice of the Spirit and assuming his voice is just our own? How would he ever break through? We have both been Christians a long time, but it's only been in the last several years we've come to realize we can have real intimacy with the person who is the Holy Spirit. We expect that claiming this kind of intimacy with the Holy Spirit will have different effects upon listeners. It will probably make some nervous, some angry and others doubtful. We'd like it to make you hopeful - because the bottom line is anyone can have what we have with him.


1 - Have you ever heard the voice of the Spirit? Do you believe it's possible?

2 - If God were speaking to you, what do you think He would say?

3 - How does it make you feel when someone says they "heard from God"?

4 - Do you want to be intimate with God? How would it feel to be intimate with God?

Scriptures referenced

1 Corinthians 2:16 "We have the mind of Christ"

John 2:14-15 Jesus overturning money changer's tables

Acts 4:20 "We can't help telling what we've seen and heard"

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Dec 31, 2021

Hi Ron and Nick, happy new year to you and your families. Thank you for the Christmas Eve podcast. I enjoyed so much listening to you. I laughed out loud and at the same time I was touched by the profound meaning of the message.

Ron Jones
Jan 02, 2022
Replying to

Hi Raquel! Happy New Year to you! Great hearing from you! We hope you'll like the episodes to follow and that you will pass them along to others. Can't wait the spend some time with you and your family when you come back through Hampton Roads.

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